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Zombi Girl's Mask for Radiant Fresh Skin

Zombie Girl’s best kept secret ingredients from the corners of the internet.

*bentonite clay *powdered charcoal (activated charcoal) *Bumble Barf crystalized honey *organic apple cider vinegar -optional- for extra sparkly effect *trace minerals *magnetic water 

This mixture is magical and I trust every ingredient in it because I know where it comes from. I recommend it for everyone who has skin. To make my mask you’ll need a Tupperware bowl and add:

1 part bentonite clay (I use: Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay) ½ part powdered charcoal (I use this brand here. 13 dollars gets you 8 oz. but you can always gets smaller amounts from any activated charcoal teeth whitener powder such as this one. *Personally I don’t recommend using it as a product for teeth whitening because of how abrasive it is and I have a better product to recommend in a later blog)1 table spoon Bumble Barf Honey (This best kept internet secret has been aged for 20 years. The supply is limited but worth it. The honey has been crystalized with time and adds a subtle rich flavor. The mineral properties are great for your skin and will add moisture back.)2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar 

Once in the Tupperware, begin mixing all of your ingredients together to create a loose but consistent viscosity. I add as I go along and usually make larger batches so I can use it over the next couple of weeks. I always add minerals to my masks because its important to nourish your skin as well as “polishing” it. 

Leave on for 15 minutes if you have sensitive skin or 30 if your skin is more durable or oily. I like to leave mine on longer, but that is personal preference.

A little bit about the optional steps in this facial mask. You can stop here and have a lovely and satisfying facial experience but if you’re like me and always looking to get a bigger, better organic experience - let me tell you about magnetized water.

Magnetized water is a well kept Russian beauty secret. The theory is that we as biological machines are magnetized to the north and south poles. Since our bodies are already 60% of water, specifically magnetized water can help realign our bodies into a more natural condition. Is it true? Maybe, I’m not a scientist but there is some science to back it up.

Although all water consists of the same basic H20 molecules, water nevertheless varies according to how these molecules bond together to form “water molecule groups.” To put it simply, it is in the size of these groupings that water differs. The smaller the groupings, the more bioavailable the water is the more easily it is able to pass through cell walls, to transport nutrients and remove waste, to facilitate all of the the communications systems in your body, and to pass through your body as a whole. The larger the groupings the more inefficient water is at performing these same functions. What holds water molecules together in clusters is surface tension… …Magnetizing your drinking water breaks its surface tension, making it wetter and more useable by every cell in your body. In addition, there’s a strong secondary benefit. Applying a magnetic field to water can not only make it wetter, but it can also raise its pH(up to a full point, depending on the water).”

Adding magnetized water and trace minerals should in theory be adding more minerals to a substance that can transport and absorb those minerals into the pores of the face. The apple cider vinegar and the magnetized water will also restore and balance the ph in your skin and tone it. After taking the mask off you will notice a pink tint to your skin that could last up to half an hour after. The honey will moisturize any of the abrasive affects of the vinegar if your skin is especially sensitive. 

After everything is mixed together I like to place my concoction into the fridge where it can be cooled down to add to the “nice” factor when I apply it. I don’t believe in sticking only to the face when treating yourself, ladies and gentlemen. I often use the mask on some problem areas such as my back or my collar bones, but you can be creative with it too. It can also be a fun couple’s activity ;] 

If you’d like to get some magnetized water, send me a message. Magnetized water can only be procured from certain places and I don’t know of any on the internet that I would trust. If you’re interested I can put you in touch to get your own drop sent to you for just 35 dollars.

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